
After reading the description, you should now understand the philosophy behind the creation of ExplicitPass. The basic goal was to invent a simple personnel rule to build all our password (such as nameSite-userName), rather than trying to stretch our minds to think up a complicated password that we must store secretly in some "safe" physical or digital every time we need to create a new password. 

This idea is that if we strictly respect this rule, we know by heart all the passwords we have, without any effort. If after a year that Silvana creates the password for the site "GoFish" we ask her: "can you tell us what is the password for this site?", her answer will be immediate: "The password is GoFishSilvana!". 

Nothing could be easier! 

Certainly with ExplicitPass, Silvana will be able to retrieve the encripted password in secret, with her settings (secret keys, alphabet, option constraints) that only she knows, and certainly will be careful not make us see.

To give you a better idea of how to use this app, we will now show some short videos to demonstrate how simple it really is, using just a few simple commands that are easy for even the least experienced user.

I apologize for my bad English. I hope that is clear enough the written part. But I think at least the movie images can make people understand the simple use of this application. In any case, I invite all those who have doubts to email:

The first of these movies makes a quick description of the application on four pages of user interface.

Movie that describes the structure of ExplicitPass

To quickly learn how to use this simple app, you can watch the following video which shows you what Silvana does to encrypt the password.

Movie showing how to encrypt a plaintext passwords

The third movie shows the easy way to update all the passwords

Movie showing how to update  plaintext passwords

The fourth movie shows the possibility offered by this application, which is to allow the encryption of messages, between two or more parties that share the same encryption keys to allow the transmission of important information secretly. To use this option you must select the encryption alphabet "Only messages". This alphabet, unlike the first five, provides for the use of the Space and Enter key character, not generally allowed in the creation of passwords. In the message, you can use all the special characters available in the virtual keyboard of the iPhone.

Movie showing how to encrypt a plaintext message

The last video shows the operation that Silvana has to do when receives a encrypted message, 

Movie showing how to receive an encrypted message 


Finally, there are a few things that you must pay attention to when using this app. If you use the convenient opportunity to enter five secret keys once and for all, you must be sure that the device is not easily available to strangers you do not trust completely. Since unencrypted passwords can be guessed very easily, an attacker could easily obtain the encrypted password using the keys already in memory. Therefore, it is appropriate, after each use of the app, to touch the ENTER KEYS button to enter the default keys 0,0,0,0,0. When you later use the app, it will take a bit of time to remember the five secret keys that you used, but after many uses, you will easily remember them by heart (personal experience).

Another consideration when using this app is that the complexity of encrypted passwords increases with increasing length and these days many sites require passwords that are longer than eight characters. So, if the user named Joe has to access a website named Site, creating a password with the rule we previously established, SiteJoe would not satisfy the request. But because Joe is a short name, we could adopt the rule of building passwords by writing the name two (SiteJoeJoe) or three times (SiteJoeJoeJoe) after the website, until we reache the desired length. Clearly, we recommend that Joe not change this rule for the passwords that will be required in the future or risk losing the advantage suggested by this application: NOTHING TO WRITE! NOTHING TO REMEMBER! (or at least as little as possible)..
